Nabi Saleh 21/04/2017

In solidarity with the hunger striking Palestinian political prisoners, residents of the West Bank village of Nabi Saleh marched and confronted the Israeli army. The strike was launched on Prisoner’s Day, 17 April, and included thousands of political prisoners of different factions. The prisoners demand immediate improvement to the conditions of their incarceration, such as…

Demanding the Release of Basil al-Araj’s body

Scores of Palestinian and Israeli activists demonstrated in front of the Israeli Pathological Institute in Jaffa, demanding the release of the body of Basil al-Araj to his family. Al-Araj, a 31 year old renowned activist from the village of Wallajeh (near Bethlehem), had been a longtime organizer of direct actions against the Israeli occupation, such…

Settlers Violence, Nabi Saleh, 3 March 2017

Settlers Violence, Nabi Saleh, 3 March 2017

Photographed & Edit by Bilal Tamimi Residents of Nabi Saleh marched on Friday to reclaim ‘Ayn al-Qaws, a spring which was confiscated by the settlers a few years ago. Since the expropriation, the military rarely allowed Palestinians to enter the spring and its environs, especially on Fridays. Villagers marched to the spring, accompanied by solidarity…

Hebron. Shuhadaa street in the old city used to be a lively market place, but was abruptly shut down by the Israeli military following the Goldstein Massacre of 1994. Barukh Goldstein, a settler and military doctor, fired at Muslim worshipers at the Ibrahimi mosque in the early hours of 25 February, 1994, killing 29 of them and wounding another 125. In the wake of subsequent violence, the Israeli military closed Shuhadaa street to Palestinians, shuttering stores and forcing residents off public spaces. Today, only Jewish settlers and their guests are allowed to move through the bulk of Shuhadaa street. Protesters chanted against the ongoing closure, against the ghettoization of Hebron and the continued settlement project that disrupt the daily lives of Palestinian civilians. The Israeli army dispersed protesters with barrages of tear gas. No serious injuries or arrests reported.

Dismantle the Ghetto, Hebron, 2017

Hundreds marched today for the annual “Open Shuhadaa Street” protest in the occupied city of Hebron. Shuhadaa street in the old city used to be a lively market place, but was abruptly shut down by the Israeli military following the Goldstein Massacre of 1994. Barukh Goldstein, a settler and military doctor, fired at Muslim worshipers…

Protesting violence against women

Several hundreds, Palestinians and Israeli Jews, marched today in Jaffa, protesting the surge of violence targeting women. The latest victim, Huda Khil, a mother of four, was murdered by her brother in front of relatives earlier this week in Jaffa. Palestinian women are doubly vulnerable to domestic violence as the police remains indifferent to threats…

Jaffa based activists gathered at the city's historical clock tower square to protest the interception of the Women's Boat to Gaza. The Zaytouna-Oliva left Barcelona with female activists from all over the world intending to break the decade long blockade imposed on the Gaza Strip by Israel. The Israeli navy stopped the Zaytouna on Wednesday evening, detaining the women on board and rerouting them to the port of Ashdod. In the meantime, Israel launched air strikes against the Gaza Strip. Among the protesters in Jaffa was Yehudit Ilani, who sailed on the Zaytouna in the first leg of the journey, from Barcelona to Italy. The protesters called for the immediate release of the women on board the Zaytouna and to lift the ongoing Israeli siege of Gaza.

Protest against interception of the Women’s Flotilla

Jaffa based activists gathered at the city’s historical clock tower square to protest the interception of the Women’s Boat to Gaza. The Zaytouna-Oliva left Barcelona with female activists from all over the world intending to break the decade long blockade imposed on the Gaza Strip by Israel. The Israeli navy stopped the Zaytouna on Wednesday…

My images in two current exhibitions

This month, a selection of my work is being showcased in two exhibitions: “Here and Now” in Haifa curates several of the more prominent photojournalistic works from the past two years in Palestine/Israel, including my award winning image from “Local Testimony” 2014. On May 19, a few of my images will be showcased in “Intervals…