Nabi Saleh 29/04/2016

After several of the village’s young men were released from Israeli prison, residents of Nabi Saleh confronted the occupying army, defying the army’s expropriation of their water spring. The soldiers fired barrages of tear gas on demonstrators, including the new and improved-range kind. No major injuries reported. If you like my work, please also ‘like’…

The release of Nabi Saleh’s political prisoners 13/04/2016

Israeli military court at Ofer, near Bitunia, released eight political prisoners, all young men from Nabi Saleh. The prisoners, arrested over the past several months during night raids, were accused of stone throwing and other offences, and the prosecution initially requested significant jail sentences of several years. However, failing to provide significant evidence, the prosecutors…

Nabi Saleh 08/04/2016

Commemorating the battle of al-Qastel, Palestinians from the village of Nabi Saleh confronted the Israeli army protesting the continued colonial violence and land expropriations. Villagers commemorated the battle of al-Qastel of 1948, famous for the steadfastness and heroism of Palestinian resistance fighters led by ‘Abd al-Qader al-Husseini against Zionist militias. However, al-Husseini fell in battle,…

Nabi Saleh 01/04/2016

Commemorating the 40th anniversary of Land Day, residents of Nabi Saleh, and many solidarity activists from Palestine and the world marched towards ‘ayn al-Qaws, the spring and adjacent lands expropriated by the Israeli settlers. Land Day was first marked on 30 March 1976 with a massive demonstration in the Galilee, northern Palestine, when the Israeli…

New tear gas canisters could be fatal

In the last few weeks we have witnessed an increased use of a new tear gas canister by the Israeli army. Significantly, this new canister differs from its predecessor by the range of its projectile: while the older canisters reached merely a few hundred meters, the new and improved long-range canisters reach several hundred meters,…

Nabi Saleh 25/03/2016

Residents of the Ramallah-district village of Nabi Saleh marched on Friday to protest the occupation and the ongoing violent repression of Palestinians by the Israeli army. This time, protesters were accompanied by a large contingent of foreign solidarity activists, who came to participate in the demonstration and witness the brutality. The Israeli soldiers fired many…

Nabi Saleh 18/03/2016

Commemorating the 13th anniversary of Rachel Corrie’s death, villagers in Nabi Saleh confronted the Israeli army, in protest of the ongoing occupation, land seizures and mass incarceration of Palestinians. Corrie was killed by the Israeli army while attempting to prevent house demolition in the Gaza strip. Today, the practice of punitive house demolition by the…

Nabi Saleh 11/03/2016

During the weekly Friday demonstration in Nabi Saleh, the Israeli army made extensive use of a new kind of tear gas canister, which has a much longer range and is almost undetectable. This time, the canister hit 10 year old Muhammad and injured him, though no bone was broken. He was taken for medical care…

The Arrest of Manal Tamimi

On Tuesday, 8 March, International Women’s Day, at 1:30am, fully armed Israeli soldiers raided the home of Manal and Bilal Tamimi in the village of Nabi Saleh. The soldiers arrested Manal in front of her frightened children, the youngest of which is 10 years old. Manal was then taken to an interrogation which was held…