Nabi Saleh 09/12/2011

Marking the international Human Rights Day, residents of Nabi Saleh and solidarity activists marched towards their lands, confiscated by Israel for settlement expansion. During the course of the protest, an Israeli soldier fired a tear gas canister from within a military jeep, directly aiming at Mustafa Tamimi, a local young man. The IDF then transported…

Nabi Saleh 18/11/2011

Residents of Nabi Saleh marched together with international activists, calling for Palestinian unity in the face of the ongoing occupation. The Israeli army attempted to suppress the march firing barrages of tear gas canisters and spraying foul-smelling liquid from its “skunk” truck. No major injuries reported. If you like my work, please also ‘like’ my…

Nabi Saleh 09/09/2011

Demanding the end for the Oslo Accords, which only entrenched the Israeli occupation and land expropriation, villagers from Nabi Saleh confronted the Israeli army. Marchers chanted against the Oslo accords and against the occupation, and walked towards ‘Ayn al-Qaws, a spring appropriated by Israeli settlers. The Israeli army fired barrages of tear gas, and then…

Bil’in 03/06/2011