Naksa day in East Jerusalem (Al-Quds)

On June 5, 2012 Palestinians gathered at the Damascus gate in east Jerusalem to commemorate the 45th anniversary of the Naksa day. This day, which is also known as the day of the setback, mark the Israeli occupation of Gaza strip, the west bank, Al-Quds (east Jerusalem) as well as the Sinai peninsula and the…

Protest against “Jerusalem Day” – Al-Quds

It was Jerusalem Day, the day in which the state of Israel celebrates the 67′ occupation of East Jerusalem, which it dabs “The unification of the city”. On this day tens of thousands of people, mainly youth, held a march called “The Flag March”, walking around Jerusalem, and specifically entering Palestinian neighbourhoods, holding Israeli flags,…

Kufr Qaddum 04/05/2012


Protests in support of Prisoners on Hunger Strike

Over a hundred people, including families of political prisoners gathered outside the walls of Ramla prison, where Israel was holding Thaer Halahle and Bilal Dhiab, two Palestinian political prisoners on hunger strike. Protesters called for the immediate release of the two and all other political prisoners. Israeli police brutally dispersed the crowd, arresting several activists.…